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    * Search engine optimization (SEO) for press releases to increase the visibility of news in search engines like Google and Yahoo!

•    为新闻发布做搜索引擎优化,从而增加新闻在谷歌和雅虎等搜索引擎内的能见度!

    * Social bookmarking tools like trackbacks and bookmark links to take advantage of the explosion in social networking

•    通过引用通告和书签式链接等社交书签工具来利用社交网暴增。

    * Really Simple Syndication (RSS) to increase the distribution potential of news and built the industry’s largest RSS network

•    用简易资讯聚合(Really Simple Syndication)增加新闻的发布潜力,并且建立行业最大的聚合内容(RSS)网络

    * Allowing customers to include podcasts along with their news to increase the impact of their news release

•    允许顾客在他们的新闻中包括博客,以增加新闻稿的影响力。

    * The “Feature Video” allowing customers to leverage the video content from popular sites like YouTube to bring their news to life

•     “特色视频(Feature Video)”允许顾客扩充内容。扩充内容从像YouTube这样的流行网站上顾客自己的新闻到生活中的新闻都可以。


Meg Walker, Director of Online Marketing for PRWeb lead a session discussing how to optimize press releases to gain the strongest visibility in both search engines and media.


1.  Meet audience demand


Prior to drafting a release, you need to understand what your audience is demanding.  Meeting audience demand is integral to accomplishing your press release visibility objectives.


There are many times you don’t realize there may be a hook in to reach your target, and understanding audience demand allows you to tap into it.


The steps to meet audience demand include:


Knowing your audience – what is it potential prospects and media are interested in?  In what tone should they be spoken to?  Do they appreciate a certain angle over another?  Understanding is key and should drive the strategy behind the release.

要懂你的观众—— 什么是潜在顾客和媒体感兴趣的?他们会有什么样的论调?他们更为欣赏某个观点?了解是关键,并且会左右随后发布新闻的策略。

Be relevant – more than just understanding your audience, give them content that is both relevant and timely.  By doing this, you’ll create the highest propensity your news gets picked up, shared and passed on.


Satisfy customer demand – to know what the demand is, first research popular trends in search engines and stay on the pulse of your industry.  By creating content that is related to hot topics you can create far more visibility for your releases.  Staying up to date, informed and on the pulse of your customers is vital to connect with them through press releases.


2.  Stay focused


By keeping your keywords and topics focused, your release can rank better in search engines and resonate more with media.  As you are writing releases, remember you are writing about one topic per release.  By segmenting the message or trying to say too much at once, you dilute your key points and take a risk prospects and media will walk away without taking next steps or remembering the point.  Keep it simple, focused and impactful.


3.  Use images for search


Images can increase the click through rate on releases in both regular and news search by 15 – 25%.  It’s a simple step, but can’t be stressed enough.    Additionally, using images creates more traction in media – journalists and bloggers both love images as it helps them tell their story.


At PRWeb, we have seen releases that used 3 images generate more than 50 articles.  We also find that many people are discovering images via image search, which then draws them back not only to the release, but to the customer web sites.  Because PRWeb hosts press releases forever, your images can continue to receive both organic and image search traffic indefinitely.


4.  Use videos to engage visitors


By using video in news releases, we have seen up to a 500% increase in time on pages.  As the web shifts to a rich media experience, bloggers, media and end users are becoming more accustomed to video.  In the future, it may be common that video is included with releases.  But since today it is not as frequently used, it’s a chance to make your news stand out.


5.  Optimize your release


Anchor text links – use 3

锚文本链接(Anchor text links)——使用3法

    * One to homepage – direct visitors directly to your company website.

•    一步到主页——直接访问者立即到你的公司网站。

    * One to product page – send media and consumers directly to the product they are reading about.

•    一步到产品页面——把媒体和客户直接送到他们正在了解的产品网页面前。

    * One to blog post – this presents an opportunity to speak to readers in a less formal fashion.  With social web users and digital influencers continually expecting social content, a press release presents a great opportunity to spark interest in your social content.

•    一步到博客文章——这给了一个以不那么正式的方式向读者讲话的机会。伴随着社交网用户和有数字影响力的人对社交化内容的不断期待,新闻稿有了一个很好的机会去激发你的社交内容。

Alt-tag – an alt tag helps your images get discovered in search engines – all release images should be tagged appropriately.


URL Keyword – top keywords can be used as part of the URL string, so be sure and include those during the release selection process.  PRWeb allows you to customize this.

网址关键字(URL Keyword)——热门关键字可以作为网址字串的一部分,所以在选择新闻稿的过程中,要确定把关键字包含到网址里面去。PRWeb允许你为网址定制关键字。

Description Tag – add a keyword rich and compelling description tag (on PRWeb, that will become the meta tag).

描述标签(Description Tag)——添加富关键字(keyword rich)和令人感兴趣的描述标签(在PRWeb,描述标签会成为元标签(meta tag))。

Title of release – the title of the release will become the title tag of the page, which is a vital element of your on-page optimization.  If you have a target phrase, ensure your phrase leads the title of release.

发布标题——文稿标题会变成文稿网页的标题标签(title tag),标题标签是网页优化的关键元素。如果你有目标词组(target phrase),确保你的词组作为文稿标题。


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